
tonight was the Bike In at the Pickford outdoor cinema. there was a beer garden, mt bakery, bike trivia for free stuff, and a show & shine contest. there were some cool rides to look at. an old peugeot tandem was very nice. jill entered the "jill", and ended up with the award for "best of show"! that was exciting. you know you're in a good place when people get together to close down a street downtown to show an animated bike movie on a huge screen. lots and lots of bikes and people. in not so exciting news, i received my box of goodies from king for the manifest bike. i think the UPS gorillas got a bit to rough with the package. if you look closely, you can see a dent in the hub shell. that means i have to wait that much longer to get that wheel built. oh well.

1 comment:

Philip Williamson said...

Holy cow! I didn't know you COULD dent a hub shell!
Uhh... can I have it?