
as i sit here, in our recent snowy bullshit, i am watching last week's clone wars and eating pancakes. getting ready for tonight's new episode. anyone, whose anyone, is in indianpolis getting ready for the masses at the North American Handmade Bike Show. Don Walker & co organize one hell of a show. wish i was there this year. it's such a great scene/ crowd to be hangin' with. i hope everybody has a good show, and a fun weekend. check out urban velo for lots of coverage.


whew, it's been awhile since last post. not tons happening. enjoying some dry weather for riding. planning trips for the upcoming year. that's always fun. building some frames. all good stuff. something that's not so good happened last week. our friends brandon & di had to put their long time companion down. timber was awesome. he was 14, pretty darn good for a dog that big. he was having some health issues though. he had stopped eating, and that's when they decided he has done plenty of living, and enough suffering. a very sad time. but lots of good memories. you will be missed.


this whole stimulus shit is just that. just give the people back their money, and let them "fix" the economy. here's another non progressive douchebag spending our tax dollars. more on why i think that.