
happy summer! well the weather is improving. hopefully, everyone enjoyed the longest day of the year. lots of riding and all that goes with it. we went down to the big city to see "the american original: Junior Brown", at the Tractor Tavern. he is awesome. lightning fast licks on his guit-steel. good stuff. taking a couple of frames in for paint today. that's about all, late, g


june is about half over already. damn, we need some nice weather. lots going on around here. which is why the updates a far between. cross bikes and mountain bikes are the popular models lately. i finally got around to ordering some custom cycling caps handmade by Shaun. check out www.shaundeller.com. there will be some cotton and of course woolies. i'll post when those are here, and back from the embroidery shop. that's about it for now. late, g


crazy shit happening these days. i'll start with the good. i purchased the latest album by the Sword. metal madness! next bit of craziness, i was on the road and saw a hawk dive down across the road and fly up and away. with a mouse in it's talons. wow! that was cool. now for the not so cool. i'm sure most people who read bicycle type web pages already know about what happened this week at a race. a drunk drivin' bastard mowed down a bunch of the racers! this is a tragedy. this shit can happen anywhere, anytime. so enjoy what you're doing right now. what an unbelieveable pic. late, G